Live Limitless Intensive

Live Limitless Intensive

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The most in-depth intensive to help you Live Limitless, provided by Daniel James himself!

The aim is to help you refocus your attention, energy and time away from the past (whilst retaining crucial learnings) and towards the present so that you can create a compelling future.

Daniel James will also work with you to help you understand tools and techniques that can be used to move you towards that compelling future.


  • Create Your Future Coaching Processes®:
    • Eliminate negative emotions from the past (fear, anger, sadness, shame and guilt)
    • Eliminate limiting decisions and limiting beliefs
    • Create goals for a compelling future and place them on your Time Line and into your future

  • Parts Integration:
    • Identify ‘Parts’ of you which hold you back and integrate them to create a more whole you who can more easily move towards the compelling future

  • Remove and Replace Negative Anchors:
    • Identify negative anchors which have held you back in the past
    • Collapse negative anchors or replaced them with more effective anchors

  • Create Positive Anchors:
    • Identify anchors which can be installed to help you to move towards your compelling future
    • Use ‘Stacked Anchors’ to create a highly effective tool to get you moving towards your compelling future
    • Create an internal ‘Circle of Excellence’ as another highly effective tool to get you moving towards your compelling future

  • Belief Change
    • Identify past beliefs that have held you back and change them to empowering beliefs

Ready to invest in you? Contact Daniel James NOW...

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